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Adventures in Missions

Adventures in Missions


Last week we had an interesting night with the street boys. Heavy to say the least. We went down to the basketball couts, our normal meeting place, Ashley, Faith and I sat to pray for the evening. As we prayed…

Disturbed in Sprit

I have never been in the township after dark; going was an eye opening experience. The streets were crwaling with people: drunk men, parties, scandelous couple that were all over each other, babies running around, children playing with one another,…


“Trust Me My Child,” He says. “Trust Me with a fuller abandon then you ever have before. Trust Me as minute succeeds minute, everyday of your life, for as long as you live. And if you become conscious of anything…


I have had  a revelation of love.   Love wins. Always. It trumphs, it prevails, it dances, it sings, it laughs. It crushes and destroys everything that is contrary to God. Love brings beauty in the midst of all that…

The Forgotten Kids

Imagine, if you will, what it would be like to be.. Rejected by your family, looked at as another mouth to feed. Rejected by your community, looked at as a nuisance. Rejected by yourself, trashing your body for a mere…


“God is the giver of eternal life, and He can bring great good out of any situation. He raises the dead; He can also raise the broken.” – Bishop John Rucyahcna Last week we went to hang out with the…