
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

To those of you who are pursuing to live the life of Jesus…

God has been challenging and daring me.
This is a message I wrote to an ordinary radical friend of mine. I pray that it would resonate in the hearts of you who are also seeking a life that radically takes Jesus at His words.

To those of you who are pursing Jesus, to you who are seeking every moment to truly live the life that Jesus lived, to those who are not satisfied with the status quo but want your lives to be centered around loving God and loveing others, may the grace and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you.
I want to warn you: You have stepped into dangerous and treacherous ground. God has given you a revelation of His heart- and now that you have been given this truth He expects you to move in action. It’s exciting and beautiful and if you really take it seriously, your life will never be the same.

Caution: Watch yourself. Be sure you heart is in a place where Jesus is the center of your focus not where adventure and social justice is the center of your focus. That is something that I have had to struggle through. Keep seeking the Lord and He will use this fire within you to light up the world.

I challenge you to read through the gospels. Fall in love with Jesus. Relook at Him with fresh eyes. Follow after His heart. It will probably be frustrating- because you will find that people may have a lot of passion with their words but fail to live that passion out with their hands and feet. Act anyway. Don’t wait for others RUN when God tells you to do something (go read acts 8… about phillip and the ethieopian).

Keep praying. And stop to listen. Listen to God about everything- study His words and let them soak into your soul. Live by what He says, there are somethings that you don’t need to ask if God wants you to do it or not bacause He has already told us that He wants us to do them. Seek His heart, guard your heart from anger, bitterness, and cynicism against the church. Ask for God’s eyes and heart.

I could write you so much but the things above are things that I have been attacked with and struggled through. I am excited to see what the Lord will do with you. Let Him wreck you.

Be excited… God’s about to rock your world! You shall taste the abundant life as Christ permiates every aspect of your life!

Grace and Peace and Love my brothers and sisters.