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“…I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this,
and I will be humiliated in my own eyes…” 2 Samuel 6: 21b-22a

Dignity is described as elevation and grandeur.
To be undignified is simply to lack dignity; to be silly, humiliated, humble.

I want to be undignified.

I was recently talking to my buddy and teammate Tyler about our soon to arrive adventure. We started talking about how important it was to get right with God, but not for the sake of the trip, but because we need God here and now. We discussed the pressure we were feeling to get our lives right with God but for the sake of appearances not necessarily because our hearts were truly chasing after Him.

After our conversation was over, while in the stillness of my room, I realized something; I realized that what we had been talking about was something that I needed to hear. I realized that I was putting the experience and the desire to have my life sorted out above my desire to seek God wholeheartedly. John 5:44 says, “How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God.” I had become distracted by looking godly instead of actually pursuing godliness. I had been pursuing the appearance of dignity.


Throwing all facade to the wind I am pursing real, raw, passionate pursuit of Jesus; not because I need Him for my time in Africa, but because I need Him every moment of every day. I am becoming undignified. I will be vulnerable, I will show my brokenness, I will not strive for praise from anyone except He who matters. I will dance before the Lord, I will sing, for I am mad for my King. Nothing now is hindering this passion in my soul.

I will be more undignified than this.

I will dance
I will sing
To be mad
For my King
Nothing Lord
Is hindering
This passion in my soul

And I’ll become
Even more undignified than this
Some may say
It’s foolishness
But I’ll become
Even more undignified than this
Leave my pride
By my side
And I’ll become
Even more undignified than this
Some may say
It’s foolishness
But I’ll become
Even more undignified than this
Than this

La, la, la, la, la, HEY!
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, HEY!
La, la, la, la, la

It’s all for You my Lord!


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