On February 9, 2009 I found out that my friend Donna died.
I met Donna at home at my church under the bridge. When we first met along with introducing herself she also introduced a caterpillar that she had found and she told me that it was her dear friend. Instantly I fell in love with Donna and knew I needed to have her in my life.
Donna and I became friends after a short while and I soon got to know the beautiful person that she was. She was feisty, sassy and stubborn and she loved people more than I knew was possible. The more I got to know her the more I fell in love with her. She had joy unlike anyone I had ever met. She was the type of person that had so much life in her; so much love. She was relentless, full of faith, hope and joy. I admired her so very much and hope that I can be like her one day.
She showed me what Jesus was like; I felt as though I caught a glimpse of Him whenever I was with her. She inspired me. Donna touched so many peoples lives my her faith and by her love. She had such a big heart and blessed me more than she will ever know.
I loved Donna so much. I never truly thought that saying goodbye for me to go to Africa would really be goodbye. I knew she was sick, but you never really expect not to see someone you love so much ever again. I am broken, but I see God through it all. I was so blessed to have Donna in my life. She taught me so much and inspired me to want to love more.
I thank God that I had the honor of knowing Donna, a little feisty homeless woman that most overlooked. What breaks my heart, is the thought that we pass beautiful people every day and brand them hopeless or unworthy of our time and attention. It breaks me to think of the many opportunities that I have missed simply bacause I have not broken out of the social mentality that deems the poor as unworthy bums.
Please allow me a holy rant of love, on behalf of the beautiful overlooked…
It has been said, “One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody”. Does that not resonate in your heart? We hear time and time again the parable of the “Good Samaritan” and are appaled at the thought of anyone passing by the broken… dare I say that daily we do the very thing that we are appaled by?
Something that I am learning in being in Africa is that the needs are the same every where you go, often it is just packaged differently. People are broken, addicted, homeless, poor, without hope, lonely, sick, dying, jobless where ever you go. Just because I am in Africa does not mean that I have more opportunity than you. There is opportunity everywhere, the question is will we open our eyes to see it and will we allow ourselves to be uncomfotable and take a risk of love.
Love is a risk you know. It’s a risk because it is selfless and because it means that you might get hurt or be uncomfortible… but I can attest to the fact that it is beautiful. If God had not dared me to spend my weekends and spare time downtown I would have missed out on understanding what love looked like. I would have missed out on the blessing of Donna’s lif and on many of my other homeless friends. Taking that risk was the best, most blessed decsion of my life and it was scary and dangerous but it was beautiful. It is a constant decsion, a momantary decsion. Every time I walk by the homless, or here in Africa walk by the beggars, I have to decide if I want to avoid discomfort or take a risk and spend time loving those that are unnoticed.
I pray that you are not inspired by this. Instead, I pray that are propelled to action. I pray that whoever reads this will spread the love of Christ; because the Lord has annointed us to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom to the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners… (Isaiah 61:1)
I am going to challenge you if I may… I beg of you if in any way God had stirred in your heart or had dared you to dive into a dangerous love, do not let it pass. Take a risk of love. Reach out to the broken. What would it cost to talk to the homeless; time, effort, discomfort? It is an injustice that people live their live nameless and die every day unknown. I tank God that He brought Donna into my life and I pray that anyone who reads this will one day be able to experience the same blessing that Donna was to me.
I love you all may the grace and peace of Christ dwell richly in your hearts and lives.
I just love how God has wrecked you and called you to wreck others with his reckless love! Keep it coming girl. Your words, His words, are stirring hearts.. are stirring legs and hearts to action.
In Every blog I can feel more of the Spirit pouring from your words. It’s an increadible thing. You have been called to such great things. Thank you Jesus for this woman! I love your love for these people. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know God is using it in your life in so many ways. I’ll continue to pray for you. LOVEMolly