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Africa… A Dream Come True

It is my heart’s desire to live a life of reckless abandonment for the Lord. I have always yearned for adventure; for a life that is not safe, but that is infused with purpose and love. Since I was young, I’ve had a dream of going to Africa; my heart has been captivated by the African people. I have always had a God given love for Africa. I can’t explain why, it’s not like I’ve ever been there before, but still my heart has always yearned to go.

I can not believe that God has blessed me with this opportunity! Going to Jeffreys Bay and Swaziland (hopefully) is a dream come true!I know that Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I just never thought He would give me 9 whole months of that desire! I am so excited about the people that I am going to meet and the experiences that God is going to lead the team and I through! I know that He is going to use us and change us in ways we never thought possible.

I believe that when God calls us to jump into the unknown, He also provides everything that we need. I know the power prayer and that God uses the prayers of His people to change lives and to revolutionize the world. I need all the prayer I can get, so I’d like to ask you to pray. The people of Africa have so many needs and we are so inadequate to fulfill those.I believe that when God asks us to jump into the unknown, He also provides everything we need. I know the power of But we need to unleash the power of God; what is impossible for man is possible for Him. I’d like to ask your prayers in these specific areas:

1) For Africa (I know that’s broad!) – Pray for innovation and creativity to meet the many crises that the continent faces.

2) For my team – Pray for each individual that will participate on our team; that we will develop unity; that we will have passion combined with loving action.

3) For me – that God will prepare me physically and spiritually for the unique challenges of this adventure. Pray that I will have deep love for the people and that I will have humility – knowing that I can’t change anyone, but that I will constantly rely on God to work through me.

It has been said, “If you go to Africa with a hard heart, you will leave with a soft heart. If you go to Africa with a soft heart, you will leave with it broken. And if you go to Africa with an already broken heart, you won’t leave at all.” I am so excited about this opportunity and who knows… maybe I’ll stay there forever.


  1. Hey,
    We’ve only known each other for a couple weeks and you have been a continual encouragement and a continual blessing to my life. Going to Africa for 9 months with 30+ strangers is something that can be a little nerve wrecking. Venturing into an unfamiliar country with unfamiliar people is.. well.. a little insane. But you just have the ability to show the team your heart. It’s nice to know that there are people on the team with the same focus and the same yearning as me. Thanks for your blog

  2. I really enjoy your blogs.
    I totally dig your heart for adventure, I am definately the same way.
    Your love for God and your commitment to Him radiates.
    You have insight and purpose, which are both fantastic and Im glad your rollin with us.

  3. Hey Sydney,
    Thank you so much for you blog! you are the person i look up to and want to be like. i hope you are having your dreams coming true and even more. I love you so much!

    In Christ,

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